Thursday, December 23, 2010

Chronic Ischemic Heart Disease

Ischemic heart disease is no longer an unknown concept but is getting popular with the passing of years. It is nothing but a partial blockage of blood flow to the heart. At times, to be precise, it happens that the heart fails to get essential blood to work normally. In that unusual situation it has no other way except to work harder and becomes starved for oxygen. What may happen if the blood flow is completely blocked? There will be a myocardial infarction (heart attack).

It should be kept in mind that this disease of ischemic heart occurs, in particular, in the old age although notable exceptions are coming to the fore these days. Let's talk of the general situation then. Remember that any human being due to aging undergo plaques that are built up in their arteries. This condition is known as arteriosclerosis and is basically a hardening of the arteries. The same situation can lead to blood clots that can cause a heart attack or stroke. In accordance with studies, hardening of the arteries and blockage of major arteries is one of the most important causes of death by disease in the United States.

It should be remembered as well that the effect of ischemic heart disease on each individual depends on an assortment of factors. What are they? They include age, genetics, diet and exercise habits, and smoking. All these indicate that certain lifestyle changes become exceedingly necessary and play a great role in the reduction of risk. Now let's concentrate on the symptoms of this disease. Never forget that the knowledge of symptoms is of high importance and the acquaintance may admonish you in advance.

It's already known that the ischemic heart disease is a disease perceived on patients with congestive heart failure on account of coronary artery disease. For that reason the common symptoms are irregular or rapid pulse, heart palpitations, cough, less or excessive urine output, difficulty in breathing while laying, leg swelling and weight gain thanks to heart failure, weakness or faintness, chest pain, feeling of “squeezing" in the chest, loss of consciousness. Have you got the picture? You have to be conscious of each of them. Nevertheless try to be more alert of some exclusive symptoms.

The first and foremost of them is heart palpitations. This symptom does occur when the heart's rhythm becomes abnormal and the concerned patient feels as if his heart is beating very fast. Sometimes the patient may feel the heart has stopped. Be conscious of heart palpitations always.

According to different studies, indication of chest pain should not be neglected in any way. Remember that it can be felt at several places of the body including under the chest bone or at the neck, back shoulder and arm. Well, this pain may also be relieved by nitroglycerin or rest from time to time. Nonetheless, as stated by doctors, the first symptom of ischemic heart disease can also be a serious chest pain of myocardial infarction. Bear in mind as well that ischemic heart disease develops slowly and that's why may build up without symptoms too.

Lastly, never go for any exercise all alone though many advise in this way. Try to have a consultation with the general practitioner and go for any exercise like daily walks, working around the yard then only.

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