Thursday, December 23, 2010

Heart Failure Treatment Guidelines

         Proper cardiac failure treatment is a must when someone experiences a heart failure. A heart failure is the inability of the heart in keeping up with the demands that are laid on the heart and an inability to pump adequate levels of blood or supply it to all parts of the body results in a heart failure. Common signs include difficulty in breathing, cardiac asthma, blood pooling, swelling, blueness of skin, excessive sweating and more. The cause of a heart failure are many and include coronary artery disease, weak heart muscles, abnormalities in the heart valve, hypertension and more. The treatment for heart failure includes medication, surgery and lifestyle modifications. These have been discussed below.
Medication for heart failure
The first level of treatment for heart failure include medicines like ACE inhibitors or Angiotensin Converting Enzyme, ARB's or Angiotensin Receptor Blockers, beta-blockers, diuretics and inotropes. ACE inhibitors work by blocking the production of angiotensin II hormone, a hormone that has a negative effect on the heart. ARB's are used as an alternative option for those who are not able to tolerate ACE inhibitors. Beta-blockers provide a stimulating effect on the body urging the heart into contractions. While diuretics prevent fluid retention inotropes are also stimulants that help the heart in pumping more efficiently.
Surgical procedures for heart failure
The surgical option is used when all other heart failure treatment guidelines fail. Angioplasty is the most common surgical procedure that is used for heart failure treatment. The procedure involves inserting a catheter into a blood vessel and threading it into the artery that is causing the heart failure. An extendable stent or a balloon is inflated pushing the plaque aside towards the arterial walls.
The other procedure that is commonly used is the implant of the pacemaker. The pacemaker is an electrode on a wire that is implanted so that the heartbeat can be controlled and regulated.
Lifestyle modifications to prevent and manage heart failure
There are many heart failure treatment guidelines that have been listed out and most of these are recommend significant changes in lifestyle to ensure the prevention of future episodes. The most important among the lifestyle modifications recommended is weight management. Rapid weight gain or weight loss should be reported to the cardiologist immediately since this could indicate need for surgery.
Those who are obese or overweight need to ensure that they lose weight so that they are well within the limits of what is accepted as normal weight. The process involves exercise and diet management. While exercise is essential, the level of exercise that you do and the strain that take should be monitored. Those who are new to exercising should start slowly and should always consult the doctor before changing the exercise routine. Diet control is not only required for weight loss but also to ensure a heart healthy diet. A diet that is low in sodium, high on fiber, low of saturated fat, high of fresh fruits and vegetables and low on sugar is recommended. An important aspect of cardiac failure treatment is also stress management and control and there are various herbs that can be used for the same.

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